Program Development

A.C.R.A. Program

Ability | Capability | Responsibility | Accountability


In this workshop we hope to convey the relationship between our values, emotions, logic and perspective of ourselves and how that affects the way we make decisions in conflict resolution and prevention of destructive behaviors and choices. We want to bring understanding to identity and purpose regarding the individual and their value to a healthy community.

We believe that if you can see life from a healthy lens, it will change the way we value ourselves and the decisions we make.

It is through a renewal of the mind that we think and process information and see our options (choices) with a willingness to accept responsibility and do so with the integrity of our values as people with reason and purpose.


  • Define "YOU" introduction

Name, one descriptive word to describe yourself Intellectually, Physically, Emotionally, a strength and a teachable moment. Define choice and decision in your own words.

  • Ability/Identity

Ability defined, what’s a gift? Ability to assess/think. Identity what does it mean? The value it holds!

  • Capability/Conflict

Conflict is healthy, application, expression, values, plans, impact, perspective.

  • Responsibility/Choices

Choices, confrontation, response, react, independent authority, effect and influence of emotions.

  • Accountability/Decisions

Integrity, value, identity, consequences, understanding.

  • Reflection

What did we take away? What's applicable? Teachable Moment.

Community Action Program


We believe healthy, strong, thriving communities are built through meaningful, impactful and intentional relationship. By engaging in community activities and support programs interacting with our neighbors whom we are called to serve and love on, we not only help build a thriving community but a community with foundational values and worth. Our program is established to restore hope and identity in the value of the individuals and families in the communities we serve. While educating and bringing recognition to the similarities of those who are in different demographics and lifestyles than the ones we are use to. Unity comes from understanding, compassion and embracing the different gifts, strengths and functions of those gifts; which individuals interacting together in unity create healthy communities.


We believe that we must build up the individual first through renewal of identity and perspective of themselves and the outlook or lens they have on life. Through this program we will build character, accountability and equipped with skills to gain understanding and discernment of the different lifestyles and cultures we will be engaging through this program. Serving isn’t just something to do to make us feel good about ourselves or doing a good deed. Serving brings value and appreciation with love gaining trust to make an impactful change. When we intentionally pour into those we connect with and serve with compassion and love families can be restored as individuals are healed, enriched, empowered and educated through relationships that are built. Once we show others they are valued they in turn value themselves and then can obtain stewardship over their communities bring restoration. while developing self-awareness, accountability, self-worth and esteem at the same time supplying the support to obtain and teaching to maintain and utilize properly the resources available, Communities will be revived and flourish through the process of refinement and restoration. Relationship is key, centered in love through Christ.


Educate | Equip | Engage | Establish | Enrichment | Empower | Encourage



Understanding the basic factors in building strong foundational values, principles and identity. Understanding triggers and the functions of emotion and the impact emotions have in our responses and/or reactions. Developing healthy relationships and community.


Acknowledging and confronting internal and past conflicts, voids and effects of trauma unaddressed.

The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.

1 Corinthians 3:8-9