Current Needs

We are in need of filling our budget for storage, truck services and materials needed. Any amount helps us function efficiently in order to help others.

We are also in need of volunteers to help sort, fill orders and put care packages together, as well as help with manual labor.

Thank you all in advance for your support through your generous donations and prayers.

Winter Drive

We are currently receiving donations for our Winter Drive which consists of coats-baby to XXL men's and women's, hats, gloves, scarfs, blankets, long johns (thermos), and socks. You can drop off or we can pick up. If you would to donate financially we will make purchases on your behalf. Thank you all in advance for your support through donations and prayers. If you’re making a financial donation for the Winter Drive please specify Winter in notes or description of the donation.

Spring / Summer Donations

We are currently receiving donations for the community closet: clothes for all ages (men, women, children), furniture, baby care(diapers, car seats, strollers, etc.), hygiene products, shoes, and seasonal wear and household items. We are in need of filling our budget for storage, truck services, and materials needed. Any amount helps us function efficiently and gives us the means to help others. We are also in need of volunteers to help sort, fill orders and put care packages together as well as help with manual labor(furniture). We are currently receiving donations for the community closet. Thank you all in advance for your support through your generous donations and prayers

Thanksgiving Meals

This year we will be providing meals for two of the Center for Youth locations, homeless and a few families that were submitted on behalf of others. If you would like to help with the preparations, delivery, or purchasing of products needed please reach out to us through email or messenger on Facebook.

We are in need of stuffing, vegetables, cranberry sauce, cornbread, sweet potatoes, pies, salad, collard, mustard or chard greens, rice, vegetables, ham, turkey, rolls, or anything else that can be used for a filling Thanksgiving meal. If you make a financial donation for the Thanksgiving meals event please specify Thanksgiving in the note or description of the donation.

Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed.

Proverbs 19:17